
Let Go of Being Driven by the Mind!

Are you up in your head? In this episode we talk about the fog and stress of the distracted mind. You’ll learn how we can let go of the mind’s tendency to favor multitasking. And how you instead would get in touch with our inner essence to gain clarity, harmony and a sense of presence in life.

You can let go of stress and invite harmony today via the BONUS meditation: How to Release Stress and Invite Harmony . Click the link to experience a 14 minute deep meditation.

Get your copy of my book Wisdom Beyond What You Know: How to Shift from Being Driven by the Mind to Living from the Heart and Intuition

Living this way can result in that we may not feel like we’re alive and thriving. The feeling of chaos around us and inside of us.

The feeling of fog, distraction and multitasking can take us down.

If this resonates with you, you may be what I call “up in your head” or driven by the mind.

So many of us consider living with a certain level of noise in our lives and consider it normal.

When you are NOT driven by the mind you are not feeling fully present in the moment. You carry a feeling of ease and flow and appreciate and value beauty in your life. This feeling just comes to you in the moment.

How can we start moving towards awakening to heart-centered living?

By Observing Yourself You Can Start to Reveal Your Unique Essence.

One way is to record yourself to learn more about yourself.

What is coming out of your mouth? What do you assume about things? Do you agree with what you’re finding out about yourself?

Next, go listen or watch the episode “Let go of being driven by the mind” on New Light Living podcast with Ulrika Sullivan, intuitive spiritual life coach.

Start today! Experience this shift in the BONUS meditation “Release Stress and Invite Harmony“.

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