Hey! Have a seat. Do you feel you need a life change?
Do you live in the past or the future, or do you live in your reality today? When you want to make a life change you want to make sure the change you want to is anchored in your reality. Your life as it is right now.
Download the podcast episode worksheet here.
The worksheet available to you via the link above is going to help you to do a reality check. This is the first step you’d want to make before you embark on any life change.
In our modern world there is always something new to strive for. So many people are living their lives in the future or through the experiences from the past.
Are you living life by forging ahead with no break or reflection?
Sometimes our reality is a struggle when it’s too hard to be real and transparent with feelings about what’s really going on here and now. Other times our reality is equal to happiness, wishing this day wouldn’t end.
Why the difference?
Do you recognize the millions of responsibilities, multiple roles to play and goals to hit, living with the feeling of needing an escape from reality is a common need and frequent wish.
However, to truly get to experience the opportunity to grow, you’ll have to first acknowledge the reality you are living in.
This is the reality check that you need to do before embarking on a life change.
The clearer you can be about your struggles today, the clearer you’ll set yourself up to find clarity on what you really want to change.
When you are being present here, right now, in this minute you are being real with yourself.
It’s that simple.
Today is the only time when a life change can happen.
By tapping into your reality today, you open up the possibility to step into your power and allow change to happen.
How many of you have pushed through when your body and soul says “You’ve done enough for one day”? The reality for you may be quite similar to the reality I lived a few years ago.
A few years ago the reality for me was such that I had two hours more of work to complete after the kids were in bed.
Here’s another example, traveling on Sunday night for an early Monday morning meeting on the opposite coast going right to dinner and bed 28 hours later.
Another frequent example was attending a work conference over the weekend and go straight into the work week on Monday morning work with no break.
Are you saying “That sounds like me!”
By really taking an honest look at your reality you set yourself up for success.
Coming to the conclusion of saying “I need a change” is huge, given the common resistance to admit something needs to change.
Admitting to yourself that your reality (whether it’s work or at home or other things or people) is no longer serving you to allow you to be at your best is when it’s time.
The breakthrough comes when you are starting to feel inspired about the opportunity to change things up.
When you get excited about creating something that brings a smile to your face rather than keeping pushing through, with a stressed scattered mind that is going to leave you even more exhausted.
When you are inspired about something like a change for yourself (nobody else) it’s easy to get started!
The moment you think differently the opportunity to make a life change happens in an instant.
“A belief is a thought that you keep thinking” by Abraham-Hicks is one of my favorites. And it’s so true.
And it’s so easy to slip into the victim mentality when you keep thinking about reality as if it was in the future.
“When I am ……., I will be happy”.
Or the life pattern of holding on to happiness that you felt in the past, but not today.
Allowing happiness, gratitude and awareness be part of your day can take you to new heights today.
You have the power to make a total life change by shifting “I can’t change my life“, to “I am changing my life today”.
Allowing to take in your reality just as it is today, and feeling thankful for everything that you have experienced (good and bad) so far in life, bringing you to where your are right now is one way of acknowledging the importance of reality. However the ego is strong with its role to protect you from your perceived threats .
You know the tricks and the stories you tell yourself.
If you feel that you are ready for a total life change you need to look at your reality today. This first step is really important. You’ll need to look upon your life and what’s going on with an objective eye.
Let’s do an experiment!
Observe yourself the next 3 days as if you are walking beside yourself, just watching yourself instead of getting involved in all the reasons why, or get into solutions or start thinking about the next steps.
The point is that you are watching a movie of your life and you are the observer.
You can do this through meditation and journaling. Download the step-by-step worksheet here!
You can experience your reality in a calm, neutral and connected way through meditation.
Step 1 – Observe your reality in meditation.
I recommend to allow at least a 10 minute meditation where you invite yourself to observe yourself from the outside. Your inner vision follow yourself to work, being with the kids, being with family and friends.
Just observe, no judgement, no solutions, just walk beside yourself and notice. This is the beginning of your total life change.
Notice how you move? What are your face expressions? How do you interact with others? Notice your body language?
Immediately after the meditation, journal about what you notice about yourself. Write down what comes up with no edits.
This is your reality.
Just the way it is.
Step 2 – Share your reality with someone else before making a life change.
Share your authentic story with someone.
Put your reality into reality and talk about what you see. Reflect upon your reality with someone and insights may come to you.
No need to dwell on the reasons or receive solutions from yourself or someone else just yet. Share with someone to help YOU make it real for you.
Speaking your truth is much more real than having it live in your head.
Feelings may come up quite immediately. This is natural. Our mind puts interpretation to most things we think.
Step 3 – Celebrate that you learned something new about yourself today!
You are creating momentum to change by inviting your reality to today. Only from here you can take this insight and pave a new image of what you want to become and make a total life change.
Furthermore, positive healing thoughts are carrying a positive charge and you will attract more positive vibes. What you focus on you get more of.
Bring in appreciation and acceptance of yourself.
Seek the opportunity to be present, and you are open to a life change.
The key is willingness to see your reality just the way it is objectively, gain the self awareness through observing yourself and accept, appreciate and celebrate today!
Finally, make a commitment today to stay in the reality of your life, describe it to yourself and reflect on it through journaling. Connect with it, celebrate and release it, let it go!
From now on a total life change opportunity is wide open to you.
Witness the gap between your reality and where you want to be?
Now you’re ready to embark on your life change.
Related: Life Coach Tips When You Need a Day Off!
Learn more about Ulrika or get a copy of her book Wisdom Beyond What You Know