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It started as a rock bottom, but ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me. Hard to get my head around at the time, but it led me to find balance in life. In this post, I’ll let you in on some universal truths that few are considering, namely your unique energy. […]
Want to feel alive, connected, and more productive even if you have a crazy busy life? When I was running myself to exhaustion every day living a busy life, I never considered that I could choose to experience my day differently. My instincts around relentless work and always being on the go were so strong […]
It’s fascinating to explore the energy of the Kuiper Belt Objects such as Haumea (136108). The energy of the Trans-Neptunian objects is connected to collective and individual ascension. In this conversation with fellow Quantum Soul Galactic Astrology Practitioner, Painter, and Mom Ursula O’Farrell we explore the multidimensional energies of Haumea, and how this asteroid is […]
How Can Galactic Astrology Help Me? Unlocking the Wisdom of the Universe with Galactic Astrology.Ulrika Sullivan is an expert in Galactic Astrology. She uses the power of astrology and intuition to help people understand their soul essence to gain a greater perspective on their lives. In this episode of New Light Living podcast, Ulrika is […]
Do you have the nagging feeling that personal change is coming up? But you don’t know what it is. This is the time when heart-based self-care practices assist to accelerate your Soul Growth path forward. Deep down you want the momentum to step into a new beginning and something amazing, but it feels so […]
Do you want to break a bad habit? You may have been aware of this bad habit for a long time, and you may have tried to break it, but nothing is happening… Or this may be the first time you’re reflecting upon what habits you have developed over your lifetime, and how they currently […]
Have you ever felt out of sync with your life? Want a game changer? It’s time to go inside. Intuitive life coaching may help you. It’s an amazing feeling to witness someone having a breakthrough in how they relate to their life. With intuitive life coaching the path to a breakthrough and returning to being […]
Do you feel stressed and feel like it’s hard to find motivation and inspiration? How can you step out of the stress, boredom, and that feeling of being on autopilot to bring back your natural motivation and inspiration? The overwhelm and stress is like a mind cloud that is never going away. In the midst […]
It’s time for YOU to claim progress on your personal growth journey! Claim your success and get ready for some next-level personal growth goals! To check yourself on your progress, go back to some frustrating or annoying situations (or people) from the past. For example, situations where you usually got upset, annoyed, or frustrated (like […]
How do you develop an “I’m taking care of myself first” perspective? As busy people, we rarely even consider reflecting on how we take care of ourselves. Below you’ll learn tips on how to find self-love and become your own guru so that you can truly live the life you want and deserve. Why is […]
Why are yoga and meditation practices so powerful when someone is going through a change? I have witnessed it personally, and many with me. Here’s why. Yoga and meditation can help you to provide the consistency it takes to make that change for good, help you evolve, go deeper to find balance in your life, […]
We all are working on something, wanting to get from A to B, and making leaps forward. But how do we close the gap between our reality and dream to end up where we want to be? Deep down our soul wants to grow, explore and learn, that’s essential to being a soul in a […]
Have you heard yourself (or someone else) say “I don’t have time to work on myself”…Maybe later…”. Do you want to learn one step to change your life that actually works?! The majority of people go through life approaching it the same way they always have… … EVEN if they’re not happy. Often it’s because we […]
Do you have a ton of vision board ideas? Maybe you’re creating a vision board and then….? Crickets! How how do you manifest the ideas into form? In this article, I’m sharing a powerful tool that may help you too! Let’s begin manifesting your vision board ideas by lifting your spirits and refocusing on the […]
Do you want a change in your life but feel that there is no space, no time, and no clarity about what the change would be? Learn four self-confidence strategies that are so much more than a quick fix to temporarily boost happiness. This is for good. The first thing to do is to commit […]
Are you feeling stuck and not really inspired about life? What you are telling yourself matters! Most of us are not even aware of what our inner voice is telling us every day. Your inner critic may need a new job. It’s like a favorite radio station constantly on in the background that keeps the […]
Something magical happens when our mind gets out of the way. Have you ever doubted a decision? Or felt worried you didn’t make the right choice? Many of us operate from our logic every day without even noticing. When we start to listen to what our heart is telling us the magic happens. It’s love […]
Do you have “monkey brain”? Try journaling! What to write will come to you naturally if you commit to practice. Do you feel like your mind is full of chatter and it’s keeping you from feeling clear and focused? A great tool to help with connecting to your intuition is journaling. Journaling is a very […]
What is the most important meeting of your life right now? You guessed it! The inner self-care meeting with yourself. Do you give yourself a break daily? If not, ask yourself “Why not?” Maybe you feel you’re too busy. That’s no wonder given everything that’s going on right now. BUT… If you are NOT prioritizing self-care […]
“I am the way I am. I can’t change what I’m thinking.” “Positive self talk isn’t going to help me”. Do you recognize this way of relating to yourself, that there is an image of yourself of who you are and that’s how you always have shown up in situations and for people? I’m here […]