My podcast guest Debbie Emick shares her vulnerable journey of releasing trauma as a survivor of multiple chronic illnesses and how she healed through holistic healing.
In this episode you’ll get Debbie’s wisdom how she finally found the path to healing by accessing the body-mind connection.
Debbie’s journey started after she found herself diagnosed with multiple diagnoses. Snd she felt her life was coming to a halt. She tried everything available. She was trying strong medications and changing her eating habits. Moreover, she tried different exercise regimens trying her best to reduce stress, but nothing worked.
Until she found a way to process and release her past trauma.
Many times we are searching for the magic bullet that will solve all the problems. For Debbie nothing changed until she stepped into her deep emotional trauma to release it that things started to happen.
In this episode you get her recommendations and tips on how you know that you’re healed. In addition, you’ll also get her very own recommendations and tips for where to start if you’re struggling in life. It doesn’t have to be illness it can be anything that you feel you cannot overcome. In this podcast episode we discuss the what it means to be healed. Debbie knows how.
Nowadays, Debbie has dedicated her life to tell her story about her health issues, and how she navigated how to release trauma and bring herself back from a rockbottom and stay in the light.
Releasing trauma and heal your body.
Lastly, as Debbie mentions in the episode, her book “On the Other Side of Perfect” is a beautiful read. And if you want to get inspired to tap into your own deep emotions to release trauma to finally heal, this is for you.
Debbie is describing her path to finding her own inner power and you can too!
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