My guest Lisa Tahir is an author, therapist and a leader in psychoastrology. She is passionate about helping others develop skills to support themselves emotionally. In this episode of New Light Living podcast we talk about how powerful it can be when we direct forgiveness towards ourselves in self forgiveness.
We learn about Lisa’s own journey and her most treasured tools and practices that she recommends to generate freedom through self forgiveness.
Next, Lisa encourage us to become more aware of the energy that we’re emitting and carry around. Other’s will pick up your energy and feed off of it.
It’s important to soften the judgement and criticism of ourselves and others. Another step is to turn inward and using affirmations and be able to give ourselves self love. Really notice our environment and the little things in life and slowing down.
We talk about some of Lisa’s most treasured tools are meditation and journaling, because they help us become aware of our thoughts patterns.
We can forgive ourselves.
Lisa is incorporating empathy, self forgiveness and compassion practices in her work. In this way we examine and explore the patterns that were often created in childhood. As we come back to identify and understand our own patterns and then give ourselves the opportunity to challenge them.
We can then change the patterns that are not supporting us.
You can find her on her website – Are you ready to meet Lisa?
Related: Why Forgiveness is a Major Sign of Life Progress