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We are going to talk about a very requested topic today, forgiveness. Forgiveness is something that I feel is not always in the forefront of people’s healing. It’s something that we consider getting to eventually or some day in our spiritual growth and healing. The text below is an excerpt from the interview. Donna’s passion […]

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Forgiveness Is Not What You Think

generational trauma

My guest Kim Keane is a certified life coach, a Reiki Master, and an IET practitioner (Integrated Energy Therapy) as well as a podcaster. In this episode, we talk about generational trauma and the importance of releasing it so that we can become more of ourselves. How can generational trauma show up in someone’s life? […]

Releasing Generational Trauma and Become More of Yourself


Releasing Generational Trauma and Become More of Yourself

unity consciousness energy of the heart

My guest today Arianna Pienaar is an Energy Medicine Mentor. We dive into the topic of Unity Consciousness and the Energy of the Heart. Arianna helps us integrate the four aspects of Self so that we can live a full life aligned with who we are meant to become in this life. She is sharing […]

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Unity Consciousness the Energy of the Heart

human design increase self love

Welcome to our 100th episode of New Light Living podcast. I’m so happy you’re here! And in this episode we talk about How Human Design Can Help Increase Self Love. My special guest today is Miranda Mitchell. She is an Energetic Alignment Coach and Human Design Specialist. Human Design is a great tool to learn […]

How Human Design Can Help Increase Self Love


How Human Design Can Help Increase Self Love


Welcome! When we are embodying what we’ve learned to become whole it becomes how we live authentically. This is so important and we need to go deep and dive deep into it! Because we often want to learn and Learn and LEARN instead of integrating and embodying what we’ve learned. I am someone who wants […]

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Embodying What You Have Learned to Become Whole

emotional freedom technique EFT

My guest today Lauren Fonvielle is passionate about helping those with physical and emotional pain or chronic illness. She helps those who are suffering from stress, anxiety and overwhelm. If you don’t know Lauren, she calls herself an Integrative Energy Practitioner and Energy MindShift Coach. She helps her clients tap into their self-healing power to  […]

Releasing Physical and Emotional Pain with EFT


Releasing Physical and Emotional Pain with EFT

energy awareness

Are you aware of and how you show up energetically? Want to learn more about Energy Awareness and how you can become aware of your energy? When you become energy-aware you can align with more harmony and balance. Inner and outer energy balance is key to feeling better. What is your inner energy? How can […]

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What is Inner Energy Awareness?

embracing intuitive gifts

New Light Living podcast episode: My guest Michelle Henderson knew from a young age that she had intuitive gifts. Not until a few years ago she decided it was time to step into her true self and acknowledge to the world that she is a psychic medium. Now, her mission is to help support and […]

Embracing Your Family’s Intuitive Gifts


Embracing Your Family’s Intuitive Gifts

Wisdom Beyond What You Know Ulrika Sullivan

Excerpt from Wisdom Beyond What You Know: How to Shift from Being Driven by the Mind to Living from the Heart and Intuition by Ulrika Sullivan. In the midst of my professional corporate career, with a young family, I found myself very successful, highly valued, overworked, and unfulfilled. I found myself standing in my messy […]

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Are You Living from the Heart and Intuition?

self forgiveness

My guest Lisa Tahir is an author, therapist and a leader in psychoastrology. She is passionate about helping others develop skills to support themselves emotionally. In this episode of New Light Living podcast we talk about how powerful it can be when we direct forgiveness towards ourselves in self forgiveness. We learn about Lisa’s own […]

Finding Your Freedom Through Self-Forgiveness


Finding Your Freedom Through Self-Forgiveness

body wisdom

Her name is Mindy Ruddock, she is an intuitive women wellness coach. She has always been drawn to movement and the body’s wisdom. She has strong connection to the Earth and have learned how to listen to her intuition. One of the things she is passionate about is helping others find their magic and trust […]

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Finding Your Magic and Body Wisdom

sound therapy

My guest Kathleen Flanagan is an award winning Author and a Vibrational Sound Therapist, Aromatherapist and Esthetician. One of the things Kathleen is passionate about is helping others release past cellular memory through sound therapy. In this episode we talk about what sound therapy really is and how it positively can impact us. She shares […]

Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy


Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy


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