
Do You Feel Stuck? Start Here. STOP Waiting!

We’re trying to be it all, yet we put ourselves last…

..and the waiting game is ON.

Many of us feel stuck, stressed out and inadequate. What does this “waiting game” do to us? It keeps us away from who we truly are and living our purpose.

Download this worksheet to get unstuck TODAY!  This FREE DOWNLOAD may help you to gain clarity on your next steps right away!

Take 15 undisturbed minutes work through your answers to these 10 questions, and they have the power to guide you towards the right next step.

You don’t have to wait anymore. 

What happens when we procrastinate? We start to believe in our stories, in other people’s stories about us, or we start to believe that other people’s opinions are more important than what your inner voice is telling us.

We feel stuck.

At its peak it’s fear and ego are what drive those thoughts and beliefs because it’s more comfortable to stay where we are feeling stuck.

Our ego mind is negotiating away our own inner courage, power and strength and we are starting to question ourselves and our own intuition.

Eventually your inner voice is becoming so loud to you that the thick layer of perceptions, beliefs and habits are just not working anymore.

When you feel stuck change is starting to become the only solution.


feeling stuck


Change is the only solution.

So where do you start if you want to make a change? Start with asking yourself, “How did I get here? What brought me here?”

If you can see this clearly, without judgement, and admit that you have led yourself down a road that led you away from yourself, you are ready for a change.

If you can’t see the reasons clearly, you may have to make some more mistakes before it becomes clear to you.

Another approach is to work with a spiritual life coach.

Have the courage to see your situation for what it is.

Without having to explain yourself, without judgement, and without the solution to what needs to be done about it.

That honesty brings clarity to your heart about what’s really going on.

All you need is to welcome to your soul the willingness to give up the current situation for something that is better aligned with who you truly are.

The problem when we feel stuck and not seeing things clearly is that we are wired to be resilient, resist change and rationalize to continue and to survive.

Our instincts tells us just to continue with what we are doing, continue right where we are, since making a change may be too risky or too uncertain.

For many busy women it’s very common to be torn between staying in an old habit or pattern against creating a new habit or pattern. It’s so easy to find reasons to keep thinking about it.


feeling stuck


Personally, I work on this daily.

It’s a daily practice to be honest with oneself and start seeing things for what they are, instead of layering on the perceptions and assumptions.

It’s that struggle between A) continuing something that has served you so well up until now but at this point in time is more routine (read boring) than exciting, versus

B) completely stepping away, making a full-on change and creating a new situation that will be more aligned with who you are. It’s the feeling of being stuck and the feeling of waiting.

When you feel stuck, the kickstart to stop waiting is when the feeling that the opportunity to grow further is stronger than the feeling of comfort.

Otherwise nothing is going to happen.


What holds us back from committing to change?



-Fear of change

-Lack of clarity about what the change actually is.


This is all understandable and very natural.

But, once you feel that it’s REALLY time to do something about your situation, it’s definitely time to start shaping what the new situation is going to look like.

Are you are considering a change in your life, but you keep pushing it into the future?

Here is what you can do to help you get over the procrastination and get more clarity so that you can clearly see the change you need to do before you start.


Gain Clarity About Where You Are Today.

Let’s get into some momentum and talk about today first. This is the key to be able to change into something better.

Ask yourself:

  • What…
    • is the benefit to me of staying with what I have?
    • is the cost  to me of staying with what I have?
    • would happen if I did make the change?
    • would happen if I didn’t make the change?

The answers to these questions will guide you towards the right next step. You don’t have to wait anymore.

Next, decide what and where you need to make that change that you want.

Ask yourself:

  • What is the difference you are looking for after the change is made? How do you want to feel when the change is done? Describe this as detailed as you can because this is the step where most people are not clear enough.
  • How does this change fit into your life?
  • How would this change impact others around me?
  • What would be the right next step and when?

The good news is that the tipping point towards true change and creation of momentum comes once you gain clarity of where you want to be.


Gain Clarity About Where You Want to Be.

Very few gain clarity to questions like this just through getting it to show up and being delivered to you.

Most have to really listen, be present, define and dream to gain clarity.

The clarity comes from meeting your own true self and accepting yourself, your talents, your desires and who you really are beyond what is your current perception or expectation.


How do you welcome your true self if you feel stuck?

The practice that I recommend is truly making space in your life and calendar to welcome a change.

You can’t gain clarity through being busy with a scattered mind.


feeling stuck


Start asking yourself questions that help you to understand your current perception of yourself, and take note of when you make assumptions or put the rosy glasses on to filter out any truths.


How true is this really?

Clarity comes from your willingness to put honesty above your stories. You don’t have to keep waiting and feeling stuck.

You get to get unstuck today. Don’t wait any longer.

Make space for 15 private minutes today. Clear your busy calendar for 15 life changing minutes. Do it today.

Sit down and open up your favourite journal and turn your attention away from all the should’s and have-to’s.

Instead, welcome the want-to’s, and what-if’s into your world of YOU.


How can you make TODAY to be THE DAY when you are showing up for your true self?


If you want to give yourself a kickstart, go download the worksheet that I created for you and to work through this process or visit my website to find out if today is the day for you to STOP waiting!


Related: Total Life Change? 3 Steps To See Your Reality In A New Light


and live with
more ease & flow!


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