Are you carrying around the feeling that you’re stretched too thin?
The human brain is wired to endure, to keep going and push forward. But sometimes that’s not what we need. This article will give you self care tips of a different kind and the one major thing that is often overlooked.
Sometimes we need something completely different other than the urge and drive to push forward.
Can you guess what it is?
When we have too many things on our plate, and when we try to to keep our life afloat and are stretched too thin, self care is often the one of the things that gets taken off the list of daily priorities.
The result is often that we get farther and farther away from our true self.
People who are stressed often get the feedback somewhere along the lines of “You’re no fun anymore” or “You’re not here, you’re somewhere else” meaning that the mind is working on overdrive and you’re not really enjoying yourself.
When we are stressed we are no longer tapping into our true self, our source of creativity, passion and joy.
My own experience of being far from my true self came to me a couple of years ago. I noticed more and more that I didn’t feel either happy or sad, excited or bored. I just existed.
If I compare how I experience my day now versus a couple of years ago, it’s like night and day.
Today I enjoy the little things. For example, today I can get this feeling of joy just by seeing the sunrise through my window in the morning after waking up.
A couple of years ago, I wouldn’t even have looked out the window after waking up. I would have just reached for my phone and rushed to the bathroom to start my day.
What is different now you may wonder?
It’s the same type of morning, the same bedroom, the same family in need of the same things in the morning before school!
How to experience our day in such a completely different way?
The answer to experience our day differently is self awareness. Not some new online self care tips that we’ve heard before but in a new package. No. Self awareness about who we are and what we need to live a happy life.
So, how can we gain self awareness?
And why does self awareness matter when it comes to your balance in life, self care and overall well-being
To gain self awareness is like an adventure.
We may start off on a path and we walk the trail and we may think we know the direction of the path.
Then, after a while our feet are starting to get tired, maybe we ignore the feeling of being tired and just continue and get some huge blisters, or we realize we put the wrong shoes on to begin with.
AND THEN the question becomes – What do we do about this situation?
Some people would keep going until the end, and some people would change the shoes and take care of the blisters so that they can heal.
Gaining self awareness is like taking care of the blisters so that they can heal, and then put the right pair of comfortable shoes on and then continuing, happy and content.
Self awareness is caring for the blisters of our inner world, so that our emotions can heal.
It may be emotions that have been put in the wrong shoes at some point, or just kept being ignored by ourselves.
Therefore, self awareness is the one thing we need to accelerate our self care, and ultimately self love.
And what we’re talking about here is self care of our inner world, so that we can shift the perception of feeling of being spread too thin.
Workload is a relative thing. It’s a perception.
Have you ever thought of how some people can get so much done, and you felt you didn’t get anything done today?
By gaining self awareness you’ll be able to accelerate your self care both on your inside and on your outside to a completely new level.
Feeling stretched and spread too thin could be feelings that you no longer have to deal with.
Because you’ll know exactly from within what you need to feel balanced, fulfilled and happy.
So what is the one little thing that you need to start gaining self awareness?
I’ll tell you a secret.
You have to WANT it. You have to REALLY want it.
Because if we don’t want it, we’ll be back in the feeling of being spread too thin in a heartbeat.
It’s way too easy to talk ourselves out of going into the land of truth, if we deep down don’t want to change.
Why might we not want to change? And keep feeling spread too thin?
The fear of being happy.
It may be hard to hear that some of us are afraid of feeling happy, but the truth is that we all are having fear of being happy.
That’s why some of us complain all the time and find reasons to complain about others as well.
To accelerate your self care is like practicing self-love and pure happiness. And if we’re fearful of being happy we put ourselves last on the to-do list, so that we can continue feeling we’re spread too thin.
And the story goes on…
If you have run into fear on the way to happiness, you’re not alone. We are all running into fear every day.
But the question is – Have you run into self awareness yet?
If not, here are some tips on where to start.
One of the first questions I ask my clients that I coach is:
If you had no limits at all, what would you STOP doing today that you know is draining your energy?
and then here comes the heavy-hitter:
Why haven’t you stopped doing it yet?
The answer that the person is giving is either one of self awareness or one of blame.
How will you respond to these questions?
So are you ready to start using these self care tips today?
Accelerate your self care today so that you can step into your own happiness, balance in life and infinite well-being!
Here are some next steps for you to consider:
If you feel there’s no space in your life to apply these self care tips, opt for a change now, join my free 5-day instant online challenge “7 Easy Ways to Create Space in Your Calendar and Life” and begin today!
If you feel ready to make a radical change right now and start a consistent daily spiritual self-love practice learn more here about Beyond the Mind Community.
The Essential Step You Can’t Miss if You Want a Change in Your Life.
Want to Connect to JOY in Your Life? 4 Tips to Unlock it Now.