Want to feel alive, connected, and more productive even if you have a crazy busy life?
When I was running myself to exhaustion every day living a busy life, I never considered that I could choose to experience my day differently.
My instincts around relentless work and always being on the go were so strong that they kept me completely on autopilot.
I didn’t even think of the possibility of disrupting the daily exhaustion for something better.
The truth is that I was holding on to my non-stop go-go-go days in fear.
That feeling of “If I let myself step forward to honor myself, everything would fall apart“.
My higher self was telling me that I have dreams, self-care needs and it’s time to claim my space, to slow down…
…to find my calm here and now!
You may think that there is no way you would have time to introduce a change.
Putting yourself more on the agenda right now with everything that is going on at work, at home.
“With everything that needs to be done every day?
“No way!”
Yes, you can!
A busy life is either breaking you down or building you up.
Get my 7-Step Guide to Listen to Your Intuition
My own transformation began when I found myself at a very low point in my life (which often functions as a wake-up call).
I started my day on the fly, with my brain on high speed and an overflowing to-do list already at 6.30 am.
Around this time I found my way back to yoga and meditation practice after 10 years of hiatus, while I was being the ultimate busy mom, professional woman, wife, and graduate student all at the same time.
Back then my day was packed with efficiency, multitasking, and planning in order to get ahead and push an outcome.
I rarely listened to what others were saying to me.
I had an answer for everything before they even got to respond.
Now I decide to start my day with my sacred quiet me-time.
Meditation. Journaling. Yoga to connect with me and start my day off in alignment.
As a result, my goal for the day is to stay aligned with my own energy flow, honoring my body and letting things fall into place.
And I still live a crazy busy life.
Trusting that things that are important will present themselves and catch my attention.
I trust my intuition to guide my decisions and actions and I can step back and watch things unfold just at the right time.
I used to feel overwhelmed all 24 hours of the day.
Telling myself “I’m so busy, I have so much to do, I can’t do it all, I’m so exhausted!”.
My thoughts today are completely different.
My first thoughts of the day are infused with gratitude.
Be grateful for what you have. For example, you can say “I am having so much fun every day in my life.”
I feel supported, strong, and positive and I am in charge of my energy. I feel connected, in tune, and present.”
It’s possible for you to learn how to shift your busy life to a life in balance and ease, no matter your background, history, or past experiences.
Looking back on my life now, how it was before yoga, meditation, coaching, and astrology to name a few came into my life, I struggled with all of the above.
Are you ready to invite change, to allow you to make a life shift in a different way, to relate to yourself, and to achieve a different way of sourcing your life energy?
If you doubt yourself, try again.
The key is to choose again!
Choose today to see your life in a new light!
The secret magic mojo and the key to transformation are all about committing to change.
This will take inner conviction and the source for this drive is not going to come from someone else but you.
You are reading this now right here, so there is no question that you are curious, but are you committed?
You know what the answer is.
Consider these key elements to kickstart your life transformation inside and out:
COMMIT for good – First of all make a decision that this is it. No more exhaustion and being overwhelmed.
Choose to align with your calm and peace instead of the overwhelm. – You’ll have to be so DONE with how you are feeling right now that it’s worth it to disrupt your well-oiled machine that is running low on energy.
DECLARE it loud – Similarly gather the courage to say “I can do it!” – the single most common reason for procrastination is to not believe it’s possible for you personally.
- Tell yourself out loud that “I CAN DO IT because I…”
- Take responsibility for your desire to change and believe in it. See and hear yourself saying “I Can do IT! By saying it out loud it will remind you of your power. Be aware of your doubts and fears. This is not the time to honor fear, honor your potential.
CONNECT without judgment – Another way we could do this is to take your dream and your reality and see the gap, connect with your dream and your reality, and see the gap without judgment.
Instead of focusing on the destination and the outcome, focus on your purpose for making this change- your dream, your why, your journey.
ACT now – Above all what will bring you to action? Many people stop here and continue to live in their overwhelming circumstances as their commitment gets muddled by fear.
How fed up are you with your current situation? Step into the fear NOW and start.
- Starting to meditate is a powerful way to access your true self and learn how to be still.
- Work with a coach to uncover your limiting beliefs, your inner chatter, and your energy drains and shift your energy into a flow of opportunity, love, and joy guided by intuition and your true self.
- Start manifesting your ideal dream one realistic action step at a time with the help of a coach.
RELEASE and let go – Finally trust that what will happen is exactly the path you are meant to walk.
- Start releasing your mind and body tightness, physical energy blocks, aches, and pains through yoga practice. To be in tune with your body is impacting your physical health positively.
- Then do it again. And again. And again. Keep up the trust in this process. Honor this change at this time in your life. Choose again every day. Honor your inner knowing and what it’s telling you.
How can you apply these concepts to your everyday?
- Step back mentally multiple times per day – Trust that you are guided by your higher self that knows the answer already.
- Take responsibility for the energy you bring to every interaction (including yourself).
Your life is all linked together.
You cannot change one part of life while other parts stay the same. Everything is linked together. Your inner world and your outer expression and the environment you live in are all linked.
Therefore, I have found through personal experience that the best results come through a combination of meditation (connection to your higher self), coaching (shifting your mind), and yoga (embodying your change).
This combination is the ultimate recipe for success if you are looking for life-changing sustainable change.
How can you start a regular meditation practice to get access to your reality and true self?
The most powerful coaching sessions help to unravel desire vs. reality in your life and the opportunity to connect with your true self, shifting perspective and creating new insights step by step on the path of personal growth.
On that same concept, when you grow your inner world you also need to embody your change. Physical expression is part of your change.
I recommend yoga to amplify the body-mind-spirit connection and to release energy blocks in the body to allow the manifestation of the change you are going through.
Your change starts within you, and your body will follow to manifest that change in your physical expression.
Make your decision today.
Grab the opportunity to step into your power. Decide to be willing to see your reality clearly, instead of rushing to the next external thing denying your inner reality.
Don’t wait, make a plan.
Why is it important to you now to make a change to your crazy busy life?
Coaching helps to accelerate the process of change for you to release the fears that are holding you back, to allow you step by step to access your true power.
Allow yourself to dream, see your reality today at the same time as your ideal dream, and get excited about the opportunity to close the gap.
Envision yourself becoming a role model for yourself instead of looking for someone else to fill that role.
Start meditating tomorrow morning if just for five minutes in stillness without an agenda. Find a yoga class that is just right for you and show up! Keep your personal vision with you during the class instead of comparing yourself to everyone else.
Everyone is on their own path.
You are exactly where you need to be right now.
Be patient and give it a couple of classes. You are one day closer to living in more balance without that feeling of overwhelm. You are one day from your ideal life.
Are you ready to start? What is the one little thing you can do today? What is your gut telling you?
Start 4 powerful morning routine practices today:
One of the ways that kickstarted me into change was to start my day in a completely different way than before. You may never have thought of how you start your morning, but it’s really important to set yourself up for your best day, every day.
Early in the day, we are more motivated to stay consistent. The key is to make a morning routine accessible and easily built into the rest of your daily routine.
- Start slow- no phone or to-do list for the first 30 min of your day.
- Meditate in the morning first thing to connect to your higher self and consciousness.
- Journal right after meditation for 5-10 minutes – Start with a gratitude practice.
- Set an intention for your day and then let that intention go.
How can you change your busy life and the way you are starting your day?
Related: 4 Self-Confidence Strategies To Make Space For Change.