Her name is Maria Olsen. She is a Mom, Attorney, Podcaster and Author. The idea of her book “50 after 50 Reframing the next chapter of your life” was coined at a time in her life when she wanted to start another chapter in life. We talk about finding your WHY in life using many practical tips on how to find it out.
In this powerful episode we talk about how to let go of control and how to allow universal wisdom to guide us in life. Maria is passionate about helping other women become their best version.
She shares her best tools on how to stay aligned and connected to our true self and our WHY.
After walking her own path from a life that wasn’t her passion, her own rock bottom to realizing her true passion and her why helping women overcome trauma such as addiction and abuse.
Our experiences can be a power for good without defining a person.
We learn that any experience in life good or bad can be a teaching moment according to Maria. She encourages journaling and brainstorming what you want to experience in life. What brings you joy? What are places you want to visit? etc.
In this episode she vulnerably share her own story through therapy and rehab and the tools that she consistently used that helped her out of deep depression and still to this day help her stay in her light.
Finding your WHY in life is never too late! Be kind to yourself.
Later in life Maria learned the power of letting go and inviting the universe to support and guide her at all times. In this episode she shares her practical tips how she applies this on a day to day basis to help you finding your why in life.
You can find Maria on her website marialeonardolsen.com
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