
How to Get Out of the Comfort Zone?


  1. How to Get Out of the Comfort Zone?
  2. Stop Ignoring Your Needs
  3. Can You Trust Your Body’s Wisdom?

What does it mean to get out of the comfort zone? We hear about getting out of our comfort zones all the time, and it’s a nice concept, but what does it really mean?

This post includes three podcast episodes all aiming to helping you get out of your comfort zone.

My entire childhood was built upon staying in the comfort zone. Everyone was pretty much living a similar life as time went by; at least, that’s how it appeared to me growing up. Taking risks and moving out of the safety bubble of a small town were rare occasions.

Change can be terrifying, but often only before we decide to begin. At a crossroads we face the choice, and we ask ourselves if it’s time for a change that will last.

The comfort zone keeps us ignoring our needs.

Change require us to do things differently, even if we don’t know how. It often requires us to completely shift the pace of our life, including what and who we are interacting with on a daily basis. It may require us to take a free fall out in the unknown inner world without knowing where we’d land.

As we stand there, cracked open, realizing we need to change something about our lives that are no longer working, what do we do?

Learn more in the following three podcast episodes:

1. How to Get Out of the Comfort Zone for Good!

What is the comfort zone?

Unless you commit to getting out of the comfort zone and into the unknown.

Often we create the comfort zone by maintaining feelings of fear subconsciously. We believe we belong there even though we may not live our best life.

In this episode, we talk about how you can move on from the crossroad you may stand in front of and into the unknown.

Here you’ll get some tips to intentionally take action and into a commitment.

Listen or watch below!


New Light Living Ulrika Sullivan
Apple Podcast

2. How to Stop Ignoring Your Needs?

How can you balance you life?

Many of us are living without balance in our lives. This episode is dedicated to how to stop ignoring our needs to come back in balance.

We talk about how to balance our life through our feminine and masculine energy and the importance of self-care.

Also, you’ll get some tips for a powerful exercise that you can do to come back into balance.

What are you ignoring within yourself? Learn more in my book how to go deeper with this concept.


New Light Living Ulrika Sullivan Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach
Apple Podcasts

3. How to Trust Your Body’s Wisdom

Our body holds a wealth of wisdom. There’s wisdom beyond what our minds can figure out. The body is our vessel to experience an expanded dimension of life. ⁠

By intentionally tuning in to the body’s wisdom, we can notice the messages it has for us. ⁠Learn how to tap into the wisdom of your body and experience it first hand in this episode! Get your copy of my book

New Light Living Ulrika Sullivan Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach
Apple Podcasts


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