Welcome to our 100th episode of New Light Living podcast. I’m so happy you’re here! And in this episode we talk about How Human Design Can Help Increase Self Love. My special guest today is Miranda Mitchell. She is an Energetic Alignment Coach and Human Design Specialist.
Human Design is a great tool to learn about the Self to help accept and love yourself. It’s a multicultural, traditional wisdom and quantum mechanics.
Miranda says she loves Human Design due to its combination of astrology, iChing, the Tree of Life and quantum mechanics. Human Design has a way to bring old tradition and the new together.
According to Miranda, she believes that it’s with self-love it all begins.
If we don’t love ourselves we turn to external validation. When we get insight from the Human Design chart of the energy we ARE and what we ARE NOT.
It’s important to become aware of what energy we take in from others. It is also information about how we share energy with other. For example, when we take in energy from other people we change depending on the people we’re around.
The personal Human Design chart shows what we’re here to learn and what we’re here to share with others. And most importantly it provides a possibility for profound self-acceptance.
Human Design can help you to accept yourself and increase self-love.
The Human Design body graph gives us the opportunity to give ourselves permission to be who we are and therefore help increase self-love.
For Miranda personally the best thing that has come out of Human Design is getting deep insights about herself. And that has had life-changing impact on her such as:
- Self-love and acceptance of ourselves.
- Increased trust in other people.
- A new experience of life that it can be lived with ease and fulfillment instead of struggle.
An important evolutionary move from instinct and survival to an era of emotional and energetic fulfillment is underway. And the insight of the importance of increasing self-love and acceptance is going to be so important.
We’re here to make the shift from survival to the experience to LIVE life.
Lastly, Human Design has the potential to help you not only get information related to yourself. But helps you understanding others and optimal ways to interact.
The founder of Human Design Ra Uru Hu said that Human Design is really for the next generations to come. It’s going to support a future evolutionary shift towards a life where fulfilled life and emotional balance is a reality.
Miranda recommends to find out your Human Design type. A great place to get your free Human Design chart is on Miranda’s website miranda-mitchell.com.