
How to Start Journaling When You Don’t Know What to Write About

Do you have “monkey brain”? Try journaling! What to write will come to you naturally if you commit to practice.

Do you feel like your mind is full of chatter and it’s keeping you from feeling clear and focused? A great tool to help with connecting to your intuition is journaling.

Journaling is a very powerful tool when it comes to help clear the mind chatter.

So, how do you get started with journaling and what do you write about?

Here you’ll learn the intuitive way to journaling that makes deciding what to write a breeze, and you’ll learn why the intuitive way of journaling is so much more powerful than dumping your thoughts onto a to-do list one by one.

You may think “My thoughts are all over the place, so how on earth am I going to know that I’m writing down the right things in my journal”?

Interesting. The right things…

Here’s my take on the approach to journaling and what to write. It’s not what you write, rather it’s how you go about journaling.

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If you let your intuition guide your journaling, you’ll discover some amazing things.

Elevating your self awareness around your thoughts and feelings can guide you to immense clarity. And that’s what journaling helps with.

This approach will allow you to connect with your higher self, and your words will flow onto the page naturally.

And on the flip side, journaling using the logical mind (who wants to make sure you write down only the “right” things), you will only access a limited story.

For me, intuitive journaling became a daily practice right around the time when I felt the urge to learn more about why I was living my life the way I did.

Journaling became a great support when I started to ask myself questions about how I could possibly approach my day in a different way.

Through intuitive journaling I got access to answers within myself, that I had pushed down with the logical mind.

There were A LOT of thoughts swirling around in my mind at that time. I felt that I needed a different outlet rather than to just recycle my thoughts over and over again.

Doing so just caused more worry, more doubt and left me feeling drained.

So I decided to buy a shiny new journal. I carefully chose it and remember I loved the cover. I loved the way the journal looked and felt in my hands.

It was a special journal for special thoughts.

journaling and what to write

I had maintained a diary from time to time before which captured what had happened each day, but I learned that journaling is quite different from maintaining a diary.

Journaling for me became a way to empty my mind so that I could receive the answers clearly.

Journaling became a way to ask myself questions. And get answers back.

My journal became a trusted partner that stayed with me on my personal growth path.

I learned about the power of free-writing and the freedom of starting a new day with a blank page in my journal and just allowing myself the space to write without stopping for 5 minutes.

It’s pretty amazing actually to write for 5 minutes without stopping and then go back and look at what came down on the page.

Getting excited to try something new? Would you like to try this out instead of your daily to-do list?


So how do you get started with intuitive journaling and what to write?

How do you know what to write if your brain is on overdrive and you’re used to creating endless to-do lists? 

Here are a few intuitive spiritual life coach tips that you may want to start with when you start journaling and figuring out what to write:

journaling what to write

1. Go buy a new journal.

You may have old notebooks that you picked up at a conference, at work, or from the kids school supplies. No. Don’t use old used stuff. It’s not going to bring you the inspiration you need to get started with journaling. I’ll tell you, nothing is better than a shiny new special journal that you LOVE.

2. Journal at a time of day that matches with your own rhythm.

If you’re a morning person, journal in the morning. If you’re a night owl, journal in the evening. There is no right and wrong here in terms of time of day. Decide when it’s a good time for you.

3. Meditate before journaling.

Free writing works best if you’re tuned in and centered. To meditate first and then follow right after with journaling is the most powerful way to download what’s truly up for you. The reason you’d want to meditate before journaling is that without being tuned in and centered you are still working with the monkey-mind thoughts.

4. Let the pen flow and free write!

a) After meditation set an alarm for the amount of time you want to free write (I recommend starting with 1-3 minutes), then open up your new shiny journal and grab your pen.

b) Let your eyes gaze softly on the blank paper and start writing. Here is the key- don’t think, just write. WHATEVER comes up for you in that moment. It doesn’t have to make sense. Just write non-stop until the alarm goes off.

5. Go back and read what you wrote.

When you free write in this way you’ll be connected to your higher self, your true self, so what you write may often not be complete sentences. You may find that it’s unstructured and very different from how you usually write.

So, look for messages, clues and signs in your writing.

Most importantly, this is your truth. What comes down on the page can reveal your deepest truths and desires. So don’t ignore what comes down on the page, even if it doesn’t make sense!

6. Do it again tomorrow.

Your personal growth journey is supported by your journal.

The more you get into journaling, the more support you’re going to feel through this way of downloading your daily thoughts and feelings onto the page.

I recommend including journaling in your daily morning routine (even if it’s just 1-2 minutes).

Free writing is going to make a total difference. You’ll feel more clear, and you’ll gain great self-awareness about what actually goes on in your mind.

journaling what to write

The amazing discoveries that can be made through intuitive journaling (even if you don’t know what to write!) can be profound as you go back and review what you just wrote.

I have sometimes thought that I already knew the answer to an issue. I had totally made up my mind.

But then my free writing exercises actually showed me a completely different answer and revealed what I truly felt about an issue.

We all are busy, our minds are constantly distracted. We want to do the right thing, but we rarely allow the truth to lead.

So free writing could provide you with that direct line to your true self that is always going to walk you down the right path for you.

In summary, if you want to start journaling and what to write becomes intuitive and easy if you follow these steps:

  1. Go buy a new journal.
  2. Journal at a time of day that is a match with your own rhythm.
  3. Meditate before journaling.
  4. Let the pen flow and free write!
  5. Go back and read what you wrote. Find Your Truth!
  6. Do it again tomorrow.

So go out there and buy yourself a shiny new journal today!

How can You start journaling (even if you don’t know what to write)?

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