My guest in this New Light Living episode is Nora Sulik. She is an intuitive relationship coach and author. She is passionate about teaching energy protection and cleanse. Her 3 tips enables us to manage our own energy boundaries to benefit the health of our relationships.
To begin with Nora believes that “If we want harmony, flow and abundance in our lives we need to consider working with our energy. She also says “The inner world creates the outer world”. Working with energy is key to learn the basic steps of energy protection. Also making it a routine is essential for a happier life.
Raising your vibration is energy protection!
Moreover, one of the things we talk about in more detail in this episode is her 3 powerful steps for energy protection and cleanse that are simple but powerful. One thing that I love about this episode when Nora shares very practical ways to integrate an energy routine to align with our usual daily routine.
When Nora herself was finding herself in a personal life changing challenge and realizing she needed to change something in her life drastically. She started to research happy people and what they do to be happy. And that’s how she discovered that energy has a huge impact on our lives.
Lastly, head over to the podcast and listen to the episode and learn the simple steps how to protect your energy and what raising your vibration means.
Learn more about Nora’s work and her book ” Simply Happy: Become the Happiest Woman You Know” on her website
When we protect our energy we also protect our energetic boundaries and it becomes easier to stand in your power instead of giving your energy away to others.
Related: How to Protect Your Energy to Stay Energized All Day