
Start Meditate at Work: How to Create Greater Success

Would you raise your hand if I asked you if you’re constantly multitasking at work?

Multitasking is the way to be and live for many busy women (and men) these days, every day, day in and day out. Never a dull moment! And it’s exhausting…Have you tried to meditate at work?


What if you could instantly recharge your energy multiple times per day just when you need it?

Not many know how to recharge their inner energy in an instant. Coffee won’t do it.

It has to be done by you. And yes you can do it! At work! Right at your desk!

Want to know how?

Have you tried meditation at work yet?

meditation at work

The perception that meditation has to be done seated cross-legged on the floor, wearing yoga pants and having incense flowing in the room is a myth.

Today, meditation is going mainstream and more and more people are picking it up as a way to connect back to the energy of themselves and the universe, to be energized, more productive and successful during the workday.

When I first started to meditate in my young teenage years I used meditation as a tool to help focus, that was it.

It helped me deal with stressors through high school, college, and early in my career. Later when I became a mom and had three little kids I stopped meditating because I felt I didn’t have the time.

What happened was that I went on autopilot to keep everything together and to get a quiet minute for meditation didn’t seem possible.

As a result, I didn’t meditate for many years while my life was the most stressful, complex, and taxing on my body, patience, and energy.

I had stopped meditating when I needed it the most (big mistake!).

Looking back, I stopped because I related to meditation only as a tool. I thought I could replace meditation with other forms of self-care, such as taking a spa treatment, taking a random yoga class or just making sure I had a healthy meal.

Today it’s a different story.

Today, meditation is a way of BEING for me. Now meditation means something completely different. It’s my safe haven, a space where I can completely rest my mind, get clarity, listen to my intuition and re-charge my being.

When I think of how I live now, I can honestly say that I can’t live my best life without regular meditation.

It’s a way to start my day centered, and connect with my true self, and something larger than myself. And at the end of the day, I meditate to come down into myself before bed after a hectic day.

Today meditation is an integrated part of my life that I can’t see myself stopping doing ever again. It’s that valuable to me.

For me it takes a few minutes every day to meditate during my work day or when I’m traveling.

We are all pressured to perform at the top capacity at all times. One of the most effective times to use meditation to center myself is when I come out from a stressful meeting. That’s when meditation is such a powerful way to regain all that energy spent.

Instant energy through guided meditation is exactly what I need when I’m coming out of a long stressful meeting.

Wisdom Beyond What You Know Ulrika Sullivan

Then I’m ready to take on the next meeting with ease and feeling calm. It’s like night and day.

Would you also like to get into a practice of meditation at work? You may think that it’s going to look weird to others to sit there and close your eyes.

The truth is that people are getting more and more curious about meditation and the most progressive workplaces encourage meditation time during the workday.

Simply sit wherever you are for 3 minutes It’s the closed eyes that people are worried will look weird, but you don’t have to close your eyes.

You can gaze with soft eyes (half open) on an item on your desk that’s not moving (not your phone screen…) and get the same effect as closed eyes.

Are you ready? Want to try?

Below I’ll give you a simple meditation for you to try.

Here we go.

meditate at work

Follow the steps below to start meditating at work and you’ll experience something amazing!

  • Next time you come out of a meeting, set a timer for 3 minutes.
  • Sit down at your desk or wherever you are (works at Starbucks too!).
  • Close your eyes.
  • Begin to notice your body. Put your feet on the floor. Notice your back against the seat.
  • Next, notice your breath. Are you on an inhale or on an exhale?
  • Now, imagine yourself at your best. See your face.
  • How do you feel when you are at your best? Feel it!
  • Go back to noticing your body. Your hands in your lap. Your feet against the floor.
  • Take a deep breath and release your exhale.
  • Open your eyes. (Your smile is a bonus 😉 )

Try it yourself now!

You don’t have to remember the steps above. I will guide you!

Here’s the good news, if you meditate once, you can do it again the next day…and again….and again.

Consistency is SO key when you meditate at work.

Once I picked meditation back up again and stuck with it and continued beyond 30 days, I was hooked. I noticed the benefits of meditation more clearly with consistency. But being consistent is also the biggest hurdle (as with any life change).

So, give it some time, and trust that now you know a very powerful way to recharge yourself, and bring back your energy instantly.

That is of much more worth than not knowing it at all. If you meditate once or twice, you can always come back to it, and choose again.

And start again. Anytime.

If you’re reading this all the way to the end you have probably been feeling drained and exhausted at work for a while and need a change, you may want to consider starting to meditate at work.

Give yourself the freedom to experience and feel your energy coming back to you when you need it.

Get recharged after a draining day and allow yourself the experience how meditation can help you create greater success at work.

How can you get more successful at work while feeling your best?


Crazy Busy? Feeling Drained? How to Increase Energy in Your Daily Life.

How to Make that change for YOU when you live a crazy busy life.


and live with
more ease & flow!


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