My guest Kathleen Flanagan is an award winning Author and a Vibrational Sound Therapist, Aromatherapist and Esthetician. One of the things Kathleen is passionate about is helping others release past cellular memory through sound therapy.
In this episode we talk about what sound therapy really is and how it positively can impact us. She shares her colorful story how she found her natural gifts of healing with vibrational sound therapy. Kathleen describes what actually happens during a sound therapy session.
As mentioned above, sound therapy session is inviting us to release past energy . In many cases energy can be stuck in the subconscious energy body for a long time.
In addition, once you release it’s gone without having to go through the experience that caused the stuck energy again.
Her story is one of stepping into greatness and being led by spirit to her life’s work and becoming an author of the book “Dancing Souls: Merging Heaven and Earth – Book One”.
Before starting a session Kathleen provides a safe place to relax and she performs a chakra balance. (Please see below for the link to download a free chakra balance!)
For example, she uses tools as crystals, essential oils, Tibetan bowls and tuning forks when providing healing with vibrational sound therapy.
One of the keys to healing is gratitude and shifting our subconscious beliefs about ourselves and others.
Kathleen hopes that healing the whole person is becoming a priority in the future and not just certain aspects of illnesses as they present.
Finally, to get a taste of this Kathleen is giving you a free gift of a chakra balancing, check out Kathleen’s website .

Related: Better than a Health App! How to Stick with Your Self Care Goals!