
The Essential FIRST Step To Change Your Life

Have you heard yourself (or someone else) say “I don’t have time to work on myself”Maybe later…”. 

Do you want to learn one step to change your life that actually works?!

The majority of people go through life approaching it the same way they always have…

EVEN if they’re not happy.

Often it’s because we don’t believe it’s possible to change.

Or we don’t have time to think “about that stuff”.

But I have good news.

It IS possible to make a change.

At any time in life

if you want to. 

Many times change is forced upon us. This comes when the Universe is taking the reins and pushing us into change no matter what.

The other way to change is to take charge of yourself and get curious. Get curious about yourself, who you really are, and why.

“Who am I?” you may ask...

Self-awareness is the platform for change.

It’s in that desire to learn more about who you truly are that curiosity becomes the driver for more and more self-awareness.

Self-awareness is also learning more about who you’ve been conditioned to be (which is likely where the comment “I am the way I am” is coming from).

OK, so let’s get REAL.

Once you’ve started to scratch the surface of who you really are, you will be discovering what your values truly are, you may come across some habits that you have, and you may reconnect with talents and gifts that you have.

Then it’s time to get real and put everything on the table and face it.

Your REALITY is today.

This reality check often comes with a mixed bag of feelings because you’re looking “under the hood” at your reality- everything that brought you to where you are today.

Some experiences are great, some not so great. 

That’s understandable and natural, we all have had ups and downs and everything in between.

Personally, I have had to look “under the hood” a couple of times in my life when relationships didn’t work out, I also had to ask myself why.

Once I became more self-aware and I truly acknowledged the patterns that were not serving me anymore, only then was I ready to change.

Are you ready for some serious self-awareness?

Notice what’s happening when you’re completely honest about your reality as it is today.

Be real with yourself about your situation so that you can change it to where you need to be.

step to change your life
1-1 Private Coaching – Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach Ulrika Sullivan

Getting REAL about your situation today, the greater the potential to change your life.

Going back to where the “I am just the way I am” comment is coming from, it’s someone who is not getting real with themselves.

Not willing to see their reality yet. Because we all do change. All the time.

Every day.

Even if we don’t want to see it.

The difference is that if you can see and acknowledge your reality today, you are in charge. You are not leaving life to luck.

If you can see and acknowledge every dimension of your reality today, you are empowered to take charge of your next step.

You are empowered to make the choices you need to in order to get where you want to be.

If you keep thinking “I am just the way I am, I don’t believe I can change” or  “I don’t have time to work on myself. Maybe later…”, you’re avoiding some parts of your reality today.

So, if you feel disconnected from the YOU that you once knew, what can you do to get curious about yourself and find out who you are?

step to change your life
What is your Soul’s Journey? Accelerate your change with a Galactic Astrology Reading!

Good news again!!

Your true self is always there.

There is nothing you need to create and shape all over again.

You just forgot who you are.

So by getting totally real about EVERYTHING in your reality today, you’ve already taken one step towards reconnecting with your true self and your dreams, your ideal day and life.

Here are some tips on how to make a step to change your life!

1) Get still and connect with your true self through meditation.

  • Meditation is the cornerstone of self-awareness. Meditation helps you bypass the logical mind, the conditioned person you are, and brings you forward to the connection with your higher self, your consciousness.
  • This is where the real you is. Your true self.
  • If you are new to meditation, try this simple meditation.

2) Get your thoughts out on a paper with journaling.

  • When you keep avoiding acknowledging your reality, likely there are buried feelings involved and they are blocking the emotional connection with your reality.
  • Those feelings can be viewed as energy knots that may have been holding you back for a long time. However, these energy knots can be released.
  •  When you release the energy behind a feeling, you feel the freedom inside from not having to carry around that energy knot anymore.
  • Journaling after meditation is a great way to connect with your true inner thoughts and feelings, as you let the pen flow.
  • Check this out specific to how to learn intuitive journaling.
  • Journaling bonus video with Ulrika.

3) Work with an Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach.

  • After exploring your reality on your own by meditating and journaling, you may benefit from working with a Coach who is trained in energy leadership.
  • Energy is everything.
  • A life coach trained in energy leadership and intuitive coaching helps you to work to release these energy knots through the coaching process.
  • You feel the inner calm coming over you and you’re one step closer to your true self as your coach is guiding you to release beliefs about yourself, others, and situations in your life.

So, what’s your reality today? Want to make a step to change your life?

What is the one thing you’d like to change so that you can move forward?

Often if you get that one thing taken care of everything else pretty much falls into place. You already know what that one thing is. So let’s be honest about it.

step to change your life

Tip! Write a letter to yourself and acknowledge your reality.

You’re one step closer to changing your life.

Start the journey towards change.

It’s the only way.

There is always support available to you, for example through private coaching if you feel you need a partner to walk side by side with you.

In summary, to change you have to look at your reality and acknowledge what’s not serving your interests anymore.

Only then you can begin making the right changes in your life.

What do you need to get real about?

If you want to go deeper with this concept, check out my book – Wisdom Beyond What You Know: How to Shift from Being Driven by the Mind to Living from the Heart and Intuition.

wisdom beyond what you know ulrika sullivan


How to Create Healthier Relationships Using Your Awareness.

Total Life Change? 3 Steps To See Your Reality in A New Light.

Learn more about Ulrika


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