This post is about how to love yourself and be confident, no matter what!
Now more than ever we need to love ourselves and believe in ourselves and find that inner trust to step into what we want next.
If you’re trying to pivot your life into a new direction it’s easy to
- lose that self-confidence
- starting to doubt yourself, and most of all
- feeling alone on that new journey.
So I want to give you three powerful tips how to love yourself and be confident starting right away.
1. Get clear on what makes you not love yourself.
To begin with, there’s great value in increasing your insights about yourself and how you perceive yourself.
What is it that makes you NOT believe in yourself?
When we start to ask ourselves questions intentionally to learn something new about ourselves, we open up a door to the true self.
Sometimes this feeling of not loving yourself or not feeling supported is a general and muddy feeling of lack of trust in yourself.
The reason for that is that you have not identified where this lack of belief in yourself comes from.
When we’re keeping ourselves from asking self-reflecting questions we often keep the feelings on the surface of life.
If this feels new to you or you have a hard time coming up with the answers. it may be worth to uncover this together with a spiritual life coach!
In this process of self-discovery and getting to know how to love yourself, it’s important to see your part in creating your life.
Don’t exclude yourself from your life.
Very often we resort to blaming others for our situation and how we feel and that is other people in our life reflecting back to us what the situation is. So it’s easy to see others as the reason for you not loving yourself.
We feel like a victim.
When you get clear on your part and contribution to the situation, you can then decide how much of that is going to keep running your life, or what to keep engaging in.
You decide!
2. See yourself as part of the whole.
This post is not about you, it’s about us, and why do I say that?
Especially when we feel alone, or down, or different, we feel separate from ourselves from everyone else.
This feeling of separation where we feel we’re the only person in the world who dealing with this is just contributing to the feelings of lack.
Now to turn this around you need to light your gaze to higher ground. What that means to someone is different in each case.
With an expansion of our perspective we elevate our energy to a higher frequency by seeing the big picture and how we fit into it.
Another very important point here is that the more you source your perspective from the inside, the more you’ll be able to inspire and lift others up to feel loved and confident as well.
The feeling of Oneness with everything and everyone is an important part of learning how to love yourself and feel confident. It’s a perspective that we’re all linked together.
You, your life, your environment, your choices your situations, everything is seamlessly interacting with no separation.
3. Tap into the support of the universe.
I often get the question: “How do you tap into the universe?”
My response is almost always that the universe is always interacting with us and therefore we need to be part of the energy and interact back.
For example, think about how impacted we are by the energy of the Sun, why wouldn’t we be impacted through the flow of energy?
This brings me to signs and synchronicities. Start to notice what signs the universe, your guides, and universal support team are giving you.
We are multidimensional beings where we interact on the earth plane using our senses but we also interact in other energy planes simultaneously.
By noticing signs and synchronicities we start to validate ourselves first, not primarily through other people or things.
In addition to signs and synchronicities to support yourself I want to mention that visualization is a powerful way to support yourself, especially when we visualize things as if they already happened.
This way you shift the energy to what you DO want and it’s the energy of aligning with an energy that you choose to be immersed in.
When you visualize you attract that same energy into your life.
So the question becomes:
How do you want to show up? Who do you want around you and how do you want to feel instead?
Tap into previous experiences where you DID love and believe in yourself and go back to that energy, how can you bring that energy back today?
In summary:
- Get clear on what it is that makes you not love yourself.
- See yourself as part of a whole
- Tap into the universe for support.
How can you love yourself and be confident?
Related: What No One is Telling You About Feeling Alone
Related: How to Find Self Love and Become Your Own Guru