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It started as a rock bottom, but ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me. Hard to get my head around at the time, but it led me to find balance in life. In this post, I’ll let you in on some universal truths that few are considering, namely your unique energy. […]
Want to feel alive, connected, and more productive even if you have a crazy busy life? When I was running myself to exhaustion every day living a busy life, I never considered that I could choose to experience my day differently. My instincts around relentless work and always being on the go were so strong […]
Do you want to break a bad habit? You may have been aware of this bad habit for a long time, and you may have tried to break it, but nothing is happening… Or this may be the first time you’re reflecting upon what habits you have developed over your lifetime, and how they currently […]
Do you feel stressed and feel like it’s hard to find motivation and inspiration? How can you step out of the stress, boredom, and that feeling of being on autopilot to bring back your natural motivation and inspiration? The overwhelm and stress is like a mind cloud that is never going away. In the midst […]
How do you develop an “I’m taking care of myself first” perspective? As busy people, we rarely even consider reflecting on how we take care of ourselves. Below you’ll learn tips on how to find self-love and become your own guru so that you can truly live the life you want and deserve. Why is […]
Do you want a change in your life but feel that there is no space, no time, and no clarity about what the change would be? Learn four self-confidence strategies that are so much more than a quick fix to temporarily boost happiness. This is for good. The first thing to do is to commit […]
What is the most important meeting of your life right now? You guessed it! The inner self-care meeting with yourself. Do you give yourself a break daily? If not, ask yourself “Why not?” Maybe you feel you’re too busy. That’s no wonder given everything that’s going on right now. BUT… If you are NOT prioritizing self-care […]
Do you know somebody that is people-pleasing all the time? You may wonder; “How can we not PEOPLE please every day”? We interact with other people on a daily basis! And you’re right. We are all interacting with other people every day. We are polite and we are treating others with kindness and we’re courteous […]
In this episode of New Light Living podcast we examine a pattern that many of us have been following for years. The pattern of Working Hard for Success. Is it really worth it? You’ll get a new perspective on working hard for success, and I hope to inspire you to re-redefined what success means to […]
Are you aware of and how you show up energetically? Want to learn more about Energy Awareness and how you can become aware of your energy? When you become energy-aware you can align with more harmony and balance. Inner and outer energy balance is key to feeling better. What is your inner energy? How can […]
Are you up in your head? In this episode we talk about the fog and stress of the distracted mind. You’ll learn how we can let go of the mind’s tendency to favor multitasking. And how you instead would get in touch with our inner essence to gain clarity, harmony and a sense of presence […]
THIS POST INCLUDES 3 PODCAST EPISODES – SCROLL DOWN How to Get Out of the Comfort Zone? Stop Ignoring Your Needs Can You Trust Your Body’s Wisdom? What does it mean to get out of the comfort zone? We hear about getting out of our comfort zones all the time, and it’s a nice concept, […]
Why does it feel like self-growth is WORK? Self-growth and expansion don’t have to be this big event, sudden revelation, or huge breakthrough. Often the highs or lows in your life are catalysts, but the life change that’s going to transform you to a higher level of consciousness is the change that comes with staying […]
In the beginning it’s easy to feel excited for a better life balance. SO exciting!! Isn’t it?! We go ALL IN and we’re SO excited to start the process towards greater life balance and personal growth, LET’S GO! We’ve invested in that new program that is going to solve ALL your problems (it feels). We’re […]
“Where did the time go? Feeling stuck in the day-to-day? How many times have you heard that comment in reference to time? Time is a major focus and stress factor in our modern world. I’m sure you feel it too. The perception of time is that we don’t have enough of it. Comments like “where […]
My guest in this episode of New Light Living podcast is Damla Aktekin. She is a Vibrational Healer of Energetic Wounds and a Crystal Healing Teacher. She is passionate about empowering others to start a daily self healing practice and become their own self healers. Damla teaches and practices healing tools rooted in vibration. One […]
Do you have life-balance or a busy life that fill your day to the brim? Often when we live mostly in our heads we have no life balance, because our minds often drive us beyond our natural limits. Life balance is becoming more and more desirable. Are you starting to feel done with living your […]
Do you recognize this scenario in your own life? Imagine that you before the start of your day you have all the intentions in the world to be mindful, keep your stress at minimum, increase your well-being. You even have plans to finally sign up for that yoga class tonight (which you have postponed twice […]
Are you looking for a way how to release stress and pent up energy? You know that feeling when you’ve been carrying around energy of stress for a while… It just needs to be released and then we can invite a more harmonious feeling. But sometimes that energy of harmony can feel so out of reach. Watch this […]
How do you manage stress at work? Are you overwhelmed? You are not alone! When you’re trying to manage stress at work or in life, it’s easy to get drained and feeling alone. Maybe you’re thinking that you’re the only one dealing with this stress and trying your best to collaborate and getting along. Want to […]