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worrying about what others will think

In this podcast episode I talk about how we often are worrying about what others will think. ALSO, experience the shift from worry to self-love in an instant! Join us in the exercise at the end of the episode! Worrying about what others will think is a common pattern. Sometimes worrying distracts us from our […]

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Worrying About What Others Will Think?

emotional freedom technique EFT

My guest today Lauren Fonvielle is passionate about helping those with physical and emotional pain or chronic illness. She helps those who are suffering from stress, anxiety and overwhelm. If you don’t know Lauren, she calls herself an Integrative Energy Practitioner and Energy MindShift Coach. She helps her clients tap into their self-healing power to  […]

Releasing Physical and Emotional Pain with EFT


Releasing Physical and Emotional Pain with EFT

getting to know yourself

Often we form our self-image from what others are telling us about ourselves. Why get to know yourself for REAL? The power of getting to know your essence, natural gifts, and talents is an empowering experience. Go on a journey with Ulrika to discover your own hidden gems. We often build our self-image based on […]

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Know Yourself for REAL! Your True Self is Your Essence.

energy awareness

Are you aware of and how you show up energetically? Want to learn more about Energy Awareness and how you can become aware of your energy? When you become energy-aware you can align with more harmony and balance. Inner and outer energy balance is key to feeling better. What is your inner energy? How can […]

What is Inner Energy Awareness?


What is Inner Energy Awareness?

let go mind

Are you up in your head? In this episode we talk about the fog and stress of the distracted mind. You’ll learn how we can let go of the mind’s tendency to favor multitasking. And how you instead would get in touch with our inner essence to gain clarity, harmony and a sense of presence […]

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Let Go of Being Driven by the Mind!

embracing intuitive gifts

New Light Living podcast episode: My guest Michelle Henderson knew from a young age that she had intuitive gifts. Not until a few years ago she decided it was time to step into her true self and acknowledge to the world that she is a psychic medium. Now, her mission is to help support and […]

Embracing Your Family’s Intuitive Gifts


Embracing Your Family’s Intuitive Gifts

Feeling Guilty

Why is it that we are feeling guilty and like a fraud when success shows up? Are you feeling guilty when you’ve worked so hard for something and finally can see the fruits of your labor? Here is a Meditation “Releasing Feeling Guilty” (5 min on my YT channel) that I recorded that helps you […]

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Feeling Guilty For Your Success? Step Into Greatness with Ease

how to get out of the comfort zone

THIS POST INCLUDES 3 PODCAST EPISODES – SCROLL DOWN How to Get Out of the Comfort Zone? Stop Ignoring Your Needs Can You Trust Your Body’s Wisdom? What does it mean to get out of the comfort zone? We hear about getting out of our comfort zones all the time, and it’s a nice concept, […]

How to Get Out of the Comfort Zone?


How to Get Out of the Comfort Zone?

self growth

Why does it feel like self-growth is WORK? Self-growth and expansion don’t have to be this big event, sudden revelation, or huge breakthrough. Often the highs or lows in your life are catalysts, but the life change that’s going to transform you to a higher level of consciousness is the change that comes with staying […]

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Want to Quit? 3 Self Growth Tools to Show Up with Ease

Wisdom Beyond What You Know Ulrika Sullivan

Excerpt from Wisdom Beyond What You Know: How to Shift from Being Driven by the Mind to Living from the Heart and Intuition by Ulrika Sullivan. In the midst of my professional corporate career, with a young family, I found myself very successful, highly valued, overworked, and unfulfilled. I found myself standing in my messy […]

Are You Living from the Heart and Intuition?


Are You Living from the Heart and Intuition?


Are you an ambitious, driven, task oriented busy woman? OK, then you may have the natural tendency to relate to mindfulness practice as a task and strategic plan. Do you want to learn how to use curiosity to step out of the task-oriented mindset and start using your curiosity instead?     Energized in Life […]

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Mindfulness Practice: How To Use Curiosity to Find Your Calm

guide to yoga through life change

Have you been thinking about trying yoga recently? Something deeper, a way to help you evolve and grow in life?  Do you feel that you want something more than just physical exercise? Here’s your guide to yoga in times when your life is evolving and some tips on how to finally make yoga part of your daily […]

Your Guide to Yoga when Creating a New Morning Routine


Your Guide to Yoga when Creating a New Morning Routine

yoga morning routine

Is the morning the uplifting best part or the dragging worst part of the day for you? For me, it’s honestly the absolute best part of the day when I can do my daily meditation and yoga morning practice. But it hasn’t always been like that… I used to go to bed exhausted, wake up […]

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The Unspoken Power of Having a Morning Routine that You LOVE!

life balance

In the beginning it’s easy to feel excited for a better life balance. SO exciting!! Isn’t it?! We go ALL IN and we’re SO excited to start the process towards greater life balance and personal growth, LET’S GO! We’ve invested in that new program that is going to solve ALL your problems (it feels). We’re […]

4 Essential Tips to Maintain Life Balance


4 Essential Tips to Maintain Life Balance

self care tips

Are you carrying around the feeling that you’re stretched too thin? The human brain is wired to endure, to keep going and push forward. But sometimes that’s not what we need. This article will give you self care tips of a different kind and the one major thing that is often overlooked. Sometimes we need […]

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Self Care Tips: What You Need to Accelerate Your Well-being

Make time for you

“Where did the time go? Feeling stuck in the day-to-day? How many times have you heard that comment in reference to time? Time is a major focus and stress factor in our modern world. I’m sure you feel it too. The perception of time is that we don’t have enough of it. Comments like “where […]

Make Time For You! 7 Easy Ways to Find Space in Your Life!


Make Time For You! 7 Easy Ways to Find Space in Your Life!

self forgiveness

My guest Lisa Tahir is an author, therapist and a leader in psychoastrology. She is passionate about helping others develop skills to support themselves emotionally. In this episode of New Light Living podcast we talk about how powerful it can be when we direct forgiveness towards ourselves in self forgiveness. We learn about Lisa’s own […]

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Finding Your Freedom Through Self-Forgiveness

body wisdom

Her name is Mindy Ruddock, she is an intuitive women wellness coach. She has always been drawn to movement and the body’s wisdom. She has strong connection to the Earth and have learned how to listen to her intuition. One of the things she is passionate about is helping others find their magic and trust […]

Finding Your Magic and Body Wisdom


Finding Your Magic and Body Wisdom

true potential

My guest Patricia Lindner is a Human Design Specialist and she calls herself a Soul Travel Guide. She is passionate about helping others to know their true potential. One of the things we talk about in this episode is how important it is to have a clear vision of what we want in life. But […]

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How to Know Your True Potential

feeling worthless

My guest in this episode is Susan Burrell is an intuitive healer, spiritual guide and an author. She is passionate about supporting women in their inner growth toward finding their true empowerment. When you are going from feeling worthless to worthy it’s a journey of self empowerment and courage. A great way to start inviting […]

Going from Feeling Worthless to Worthy


Going from Feeling Worthless to Worthy


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