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crazy busy life

Want to feel alive, connected, and more productive even if you have a crazy busy life?  When I was running myself to exhaustion every day living a busy life, I never considered that I could choose to experience my day differently. My instincts around relentless work and always being on the go were so strong […]

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Crazy Busy life? How to Connect Back With Yourself

forgiveness personal growth goals

It’s time for YOU to claim progress on your personal growth journey!  Claim your success and get ready for some next-level personal growth goals! To check yourself on your progress, go back to some frustrating or annoying situations (or people) from the past. For example, situations where you usually got upset, annoyed, or frustrated (like […]

Personal Growth Goals in 2024: Forgiveness is a Sign of Progress


Personal Growth Goals in 2024: Forgiveness is a Sign of Progress

positive self talk

“I am the way I am. I can’t change what I’m thinking.” “Positive self talk isn’t going to help me”. Do you recognize this way of relating to yourself, that there is an image of yourself of who you are and that’s how you always have shown up in situations and for people? I’m here […]

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Does Positive Self Talk Work? How to Turn Your Reality Around

making big life decisions

Are you in the process of making big life decisions? Are you feeling stuck in one place not knowing what to do? Do you have big life decisions ahead of you right now? I’ll show you here how to feel like you have unlimited choices. This may feel like an unimaginable stretch from where you […]

Making Big Life Decisions? Tap Into Your Unlimited Choices


Making Big Life Decisions? Tap Into Your Unlimited Choices

listen to your intuition

Do you want to learn why your intuition is your secret to success? Do you run a scenario over and over again in your mind? Want to stop worrying and getting exhausted? The abilities of using your intuition to never doubt a decision again is on the rise! Women often ask me “What should I […]

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Your Intuition is the Secret to Never Question a Decision Again!

multidimensional living

Today we’re going to talk about multidimensional living and living happier as one with the universe. I’m very passionate about this topic and it’s part of what I write in my book; Wisdom Beyond What You Know. Why does multidimensional living matter? Simply, our soul wants to live in harmony and balance with everything. And […]

Multidimensional Living: Happier Life As One With the Universe


Multidimensional Living: Happier Life As One With the Universe

creative inspiration

In this episode, we are exploring something that many of us adults have really gotten away from or lost. When we fill our lives with creative inspiration, it can help unlock our true self. Creative inspiration is available to us at all times. But in a world of templates we have always done things in […]

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Using Creative Inspiration to Unlock Your True Self

take back your power

In this episode I speak with Leslie Lindsey Davis, author of the book You Can’t Eat Love about how to listen to yourself and take back your power. She is a living example of How learning to love yourself can change your relationship with yourself, and for example food (which is also the topic of […]

Listen To Yourself and Take Back Your Power


Listen To Yourself and Take Back Your Power

breaking codependency

We’re going to talk about breaking codependency to become sovereign. This topic I feel is long overdue. And long overdue are some of the patterns and cycles that we maintain unconsciously if we don’t allow ourselves to notice them. So let’s dive into this important topic and let’s take a look at the energy of […]

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Breaking Codependency to Become Sovereign

getting to know yourself

Often we form our self-image from what others are telling us about ourselves. Why get to know yourself for REAL? The power of getting to know your essence, natural gifts, and talents is an empowering experience. Go on a journey with Ulrika to discover your own hidden gems. We often build our self-image based on […]

Know Yourself for REAL! Your True Self is Your Essence.


Know Yourself for REAL! Your True Self is Your Essence.

Feeling Guilty

Why is it that we are feeling guilty and like a fraud when success shows up? Are you feeling guilty when you’ve worked so hard for something and finally can see the fruits of your labor? Here is a Meditation “Releasing Feeling Guilty” (5 min on my YT channel) that I recorded that helps you […]

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Feeling Guilty For Your Success? Step Into Greatness with Ease

self growth

Why does it feel like self-growth is WORK? Self-growth and expansion don’t have to be this big event, sudden revelation, or huge breakthrough. Often the highs or lows in your life are catalysts, but the life change that’s going to transform you to a higher level of consciousness is the change that comes with staying […]

Want to Quit? 3 Self Growth Tools to Show Up with Ease


Want to Quit? 3 Self Growth Tools to Show Up with Ease

Make time for you

“Where did the time go? Feeling stuck in the day-to-day? How many times have you heard that comment in reference to time? Time is a major focus and stress factor in our modern world. I’m sure you feel it too. The perception of time is that we don’t have enough of it. Comments like “where […]

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Make Time For You! 7 Easy Ways to Find Space in Your Life!

true potential

My guest Patricia Lindner is a Human Design Specialist and she calls herself a Soul Travel Guide. She is passionate about helping others to know their true potential. One of the things we talk about in this episode is how important it is to have a clear vision of what we want in life. But […]

How to Know Your True Potential


How to Know Your True Potential

feeling worthless

My guest in this episode is Susan Burrell is an intuitive healer, spiritual guide and an author. She is passionate about supporting women in their inner growth toward finding their true empowerment. When you are going from feeling worthless to worthy it’s a journey of self empowerment and courage. A great way to start inviting […]

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Going from Feeling Worthless to Worthy

self empowerment

This New Light Living podcast episode with my guest Gloria Battini, Emotional Wellness Coach is for all the women out there who want to take their power back. She is sharing her inspirational story and best tools on the path to emotional self empowerment. Moreover, Gloria herself is a survivor of long term emotional abuse. […]

Path to Emotional Self Empowerment


Path to Emotional Self Empowerment

rising up

My guest Megan Johnson is a life coach and creative consultant. She is passionate about helping others rise as a leader and hero of their own. In this episode, we talk about the art of self-reclamation and why it’s so important to have the courage and rise up as your own hero. What I love […]

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The Art of Reclamation: Rising Up as Your Own Hero

turning passion into action

My podcast guest Jennifer Maurer, public speaker, certified life coach and motivational guide shares powerful wisdom within her framework of passion principles how important it is to burst through your fears and turning passion into action. She is a straight forward and passionate coach who’s passion is to help you to get started and finally […]

Passion Principles: Turning Your Passion Into Action


Passion Principles: Turning Your Passion Into Action

releasing trauma

My podcast guest Debbie Emick shares her vulnerable journey of releasing trauma as a survivor of multiple chronic illnesses and how she healed through holistic healing. In this episode you’ll get Debbie’s wisdom how she finally found the path to healing by accessing the body-mind connection. Debbie’s journey started after she found herself diagnosed with […]

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Releasing Trauma to Heal The Whole You

life change

Hey! Have a seat. Do you feel you need a life change? Do you live in the past or the future, or do you live in your reality today? When you want to make a life change you want to make sure the change you want to is anchored in your reality. Your life as […]

Need a Life Change? 3 Steps To See Your Reality In A New Light


Need a Life Change? 3 Steps To See Your Reality In A New Light


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