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embracing intuitive gifts

New Light Living podcast episode: My guest Michelle Henderson knew from a young age that she had intuitive gifts. Not until a few years ago she decided it was time to step into her true self and acknowledge to the world that she is a psychic medium. Now, her mission is to help support and […]

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Embracing Your Family’s Intuitive Gifts

Feeling Guilty

Why is it that we are feeling guilty and like a fraud when success shows up? Are you feeling guilty when you’ve worked so hard for something and finally can see the fruits of your labor? Here is a Meditation “Releasing Feeling Guilty” (5 min on my YT channel) that I recorded that helps you […]

Feeling Guilty For Your Success? Step Into Greatness with Ease


Feeling Guilty For Your Success? Step Into Greatness with Ease

Wisdom Beyond What You Know Ulrika Sullivan

Excerpt from Wisdom Beyond What You Know: How to Shift from Being Driven by the Mind to Living from the Heart and Intuition by Ulrika Sullivan. In the midst of my professional corporate career, with a young family, I found myself very successful, highly valued, overworked, and unfulfilled. I found myself standing in my messy […]

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Are You Living from the Heart and Intuition?

yoga morning routine

Is the morning the uplifting best part or the dragging worst part of the day for you? For me, it’s honestly the absolute best part of the day when I can do my daily meditation and yoga morning practice. But it hasn’t always been like that… I used to go to bed exhausted, wake up […]

The Unspoken Power of Having a Morning Routine that You LOVE!


The Unspoken Power of Having a Morning Routine that You LOVE!

life balance

In the beginning it’s easy to feel excited for a better life balance. SO exciting!! Isn’t it?! We go ALL IN and we’re SO excited to start the process towards greater life balance and personal growth, LET’S GO! We’ve invested in that new program that is going to solve ALL your problems (it feels). We’re […]

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4 Essential Tips to Maintain Life Balance

self care tips

Are you carrying around the feeling that you’re stretched too thin? The human brain is wired to endure, to keep going and push forward. But sometimes that’s not what we need. This article will give you self care tips of a different kind and the one major thing that is often overlooked. Sometimes we need […]

Self Care Tips: What You Need to Accelerate Your Well-being


Self Care Tips: What You Need to Accelerate Your Well-being

body wisdom

Her name is Mindy Ruddock, she is an intuitive women wellness coach. She has always been drawn to movement and the body’s wisdom. She has strong connection to the Earth and have learned how to listen to her intuition. One of the things she is passionate about is helping others find their magic and trust […]

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Finding Your Magic and Body Wisdom

setting boundaries

Her name is Gurds Hundal. She is an empath educator, a podcaster, and an empowerment coach. In this episode, we talk about releasing conditioning and setting boundaries. Firstly, one of the things Gurds is passionate about is helping others identify and release conditioning that is holding them back. In this episode, we talk about how […]

Releasing Conditioning and Setting Boundaries


Releasing Conditioning and Setting Boundaries

energy protection

My guest in this New Light Living episode is Nora Sulik. She is an intuitive relationship coach and author. She is passionate about teaching energy protection and cleanse. Her 3 tips enables us to manage our own energy boundaries to benefit the health of our relationships. To begin with Nora believes that “If we want […]

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3 Steps for Energy Protection and Cleanse

sound therapy

My guest Kathleen Flanagan is an award winning Author and a Vibrational Sound Therapist, Aromatherapist and Esthetician. One of the things Kathleen is passionate about is helping others release past cellular memory through sound therapy. In this episode we talk about what sound therapy really is and how it positively can impact us. She shares […]

Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy


Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy

self healing practice

My guest in this episode of New Light Living podcast is Damla Aktekin. She is a Vibrational Healer of Energetic Wounds and a Crystal Healing Teacher. She is passionate about empowering others to start a daily self healing practice and become their own self healers. Damla teaches and practices healing tools rooted in vibration. One […]

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Start a Daily Self Healing Practice

empowering yourself

In this episode we meet Alicia Love. She is a Soul Coach and an embodied free spirit with a life long passion for dancing. She is here to guide you to truly connect and experience yourself and life fully, including your body. In this episode we talk about Empowering Yourself Through Body Wisdom. What I […]

Empowering Yourself Through Body Wisdom


Empowering Yourself Through Body Wisdom

rising up

My guest Megan Johnson is a life coach and creative consultant. She is passionate about helping others rise as a leader and hero of their own. In this episode, we talk about the art of self-reclamation and why it’s so important to have the courage and rise up as your own hero. What I love […]

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The Art of Reclamation: Rising Up as Your Own Hero

how to master your energy

My podcast guest Danielle Ingenito is passionate about helping women awaken their true self worth, especially after toxic relationships. In this episode we talk about how to master your energy, which is a key component of self empowerment. Danielle is a Reiki master, psychic medium and empowerment life coach. Join us! Danielle herself went through […]

How to Master Your Energy to Heal


How to Master Your Energy to Heal

releasing trauma

My podcast guest Debbie Emick shares her vulnerable journey of releasing trauma as a survivor of multiple chronic illnesses and how she healed through holistic healing. In this episode you’ll get Debbie’s wisdom how she finally found the path to healing by accessing the body-mind connection. Debbie’s journey started after she found herself diagnosed with […]

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Releasing Trauma to Heal The Whole You

how to love yourself

This post is about how to love yourself and be confident, no matter what! Now more than ever we need to love ourselves and believe in ourselves and find that inner trust to step into what we want next.  If you’re trying to pivot your life into a new direction it’s easy to So I […]

How to Love Yourself and Be Confident


How to Love Yourself and Be Confident

do I need a life coach

How do you know that you need to work with a life coach? In this post I want to give you some clarity because THIS is a question that could change your life! Does any of the below scenarios feel like you? Has life has thrown you a curveball recently?  Do you stand in front […]

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Do I Need a Spiritual Life Coach?

manage stress at work

How do you manage stress at work? Are you overwhelmed? You are not alone! When you’re trying to manage stress at work or in life, it’s easy to get drained and feeling alone. Maybe you’re thinking that you’re the only one dealing with this stress and trying your best to collaborate and getting along. Want to […]

Manage Stress At Work Using 5 Universal Spiritual Tips


Manage Stress At Work Using 5 Universal Spiritual Tips

Are you not seeing things happen in your life soon enough? If you want momentum and want to know how to manifest whatever you want, it’s time to welcome it, right? Want to learn what’s worked for me? You may feel frustrated because you have a vision of what you want, but nothing happens….yet! Many […]

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How to Manifest Whatever You Want

personal development

Are you going to wait until life pushes you into personal development with a bang? Or do you want a kickstart to change into the personal development mindset? The first step to a major change in personal development is to get started, and then the pressure is off. But it’s easy to say, not always […]

Personal Development Tips: Kickstart Change With Ease


Personal Development Tips: Kickstart Change With Ease


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