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THIS POST INCLUDES 3 PODCAST EPISODES – SCROLL DOWN How to Get Out of the Comfort Zone? Stop Ignoring Your Needs Can You Trust Your Body’s Wisdom? What does it mean to get out of the comfort zone? We hear about getting out of our comfort zones all the time, and it’s a nice concept, […]
Excerpt from Wisdom Beyond What You Know: How to Shift from Being Driven by the Mind to Living from the Heart and Intuition by Ulrika Sullivan. In the midst of my professional corporate career, with a young family, I found myself very successful, highly valued, overworked, and unfulfilled. I found myself standing in my messy […]
Are you an ambitious, driven, task oriented busy woman? OK, then you may have the natural tendency to relate to mindfulness practice as a task and strategic plan. Do you want to learn how to use curiosity to step out of the task-oriented mindset and start using your curiosity instead? Energized in Life […]
My guest Patricia Lindner is a Human Design Specialist and she calls herself a Soul Travel Guide. She is passionate about helping others to know their true potential. One of the things we talk about in this episode is how important it is to have a clear vision of what we want in life. But […]
My guest in this episode is Susan Burrell is an intuitive healer, spiritual guide and an author. She is passionate about supporting women in their inner growth toward finding their true empowerment. When you are going from feeling worthless to worthy it’s a journey of self empowerment and courage. A great way to start inviting […]
Her name is Gurds Hundal. She is an empath educator, a podcaster, and an empowerment coach. In this episode, we talk about releasing conditioning and setting boundaries. Firstly, one of the things Gurds is passionate about is helping others identify and release conditioning that is holding them back. In this episode, we talk about how […]
My guest in this New Light Living episode is Nora Sulik. She is an intuitive relationship coach and author. She is passionate about teaching energy protection and cleanse. Her 3 tips enables us to manage our own energy boundaries to benefit the health of our relationships. To begin with Nora believes that “If we want […]
Her name is Maria Olsen. She is a Mom, Attorney, Podcaster and Author. The idea of her book “50 after 50 Reframing the next chapter of your life” was coined at a time in her life when she wanted to start another chapter in life. We talk about finding your WHY in life using many […]
This New Light Living podcast episode with my guest Gloria Battini, Emotional Wellness Coach is for all the women out there who want to take their power back. She is sharing her inspirational story and best tools on the path to emotional self empowerment. Moreover, Gloria herself is a survivor of long term emotional abuse. […]
My podcast guest Jennifer Maurer, public speaker, certified life coach and motivational guide shares powerful wisdom within her framework of passion principles how important it is to burst through your fears and turning passion into action. She is a straight forward and passionate coach who’s passion is to help you to get started and finally […]
Do you have life-balance or a busy life that fill your day to the brim? Often when we live mostly in our heads we have no life balance, because our minds often drive us beyond our natural limits. Life balance is becoming more and more desirable. Are you starting to feel done with living your […]
Decision-making can be quite a process, and it can be frustrating… …but there is a much faster and easier way to get to the right decision. Your own truth. Do you feel like your decision-making process in your life is just not going your way, and you wish it felt much less complicated? It may […]
This post is about how to love yourself and be confident, no matter what! Now more than ever we need to love ourselves and believe in ourselves and find that inner trust to step into what we want next. If you’re trying to pivot your life into a new direction it’s easy to So I […]
Do you have a busy schedule but feel alone? Many people in our modern world are living very busy lives but are feeling alone and not supported. Interactions at work and elsewhere are much different compared to 20 yrs ago. We spend more and more time communicating through electronic media, and we spend a […]
Would you raise your hand if I asked you if you’re constantly multitasking at work? Multitasking is the way to be and live for many busy women (and men) these days, every day, day in and day out. Never a dull moment! And it’s exhausting…Have you tried to meditate at work? What if you could […]
Learn about how you can stay inspired when something is trowing you off during your day. I’ll share with you 3 tips how to make the energetic shift! Have you ever been laying there in bed in the morning and you just feel it’s going to be good day! That bubbling feeling that THIS DAY […]
Do you recognize this scenario in your own life? Imagine that you before the start of your day you have all the intentions in the world to be mindful, keep your stress at minimum, increase your well-being. You even have plans to finally sign up for that yoga class tonight (which you have postponed twice […]
How do you know that you need to work with a life coach? In this post I want to give you some clarity because THIS is a question that could change your life! Does any of the below scenarios feel like you? Has life has thrown you a curveball recently? Do you stand in front […]
Are you a busy woman feeling frustrated, rushed and overwhelmed? Or are you a busy woman that’s calm, centered and connected? Who would you prefer to be? Next I’m going to share with you 7 key benefits of hiring a life coach. Often women try to keep an image up of tolerating their situation at […]
Have you ever delayed something in your life that you really wanted to do? It may be starting that new business, or taking that class, or not standing up for yourself in a situation? Do you want to know how to believe in yourself again? To start with, watch the video below and get inspired! […]