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kuiper belt

It’s fascinating to explore the energy of the Kuiper Belt Objects such as Haumea (136108). The energy of the Trans-Neptunian objects is connected to collective and individual ascension. In this conversation with fellow Quantum Soul Galactic Astrology Practitioner, Painter, and Mom Ursula O’Farrell we explore the multidimensional energies of Haumea, and how this asteroid is […]

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Kuiper Belt: Returning to Ancient Knowledge

how can galactic astrology help me

How Can Galactic Astrology Help Me? Unlocking the Wisdom of the Universe with Galactic Astrology.Ulrika Sullivan is an expert in Galactic Astrology. She uses the power of astrology and intuition to help people understand their soul essence to gain a greater perspective on their lives. In this episode of New Light Living podcast, Ulrika is […]

How Can Galactic Astrology Help Me?


How Can Galactic Astrology Help Me?

heart-based lifestyle

Do you have the nagging feeling that personal change is coming up? But you don’t know what it is. This is the time when heart-based self-care practices assist to accelerate your Soul Growth path forward.   Deep down you want the momentum to step into a new beginning and something amazing, but it feels so […]

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Soul Growth Made Easy with Heart-Based Self-Care Practices

listening to intuition

Have you ever felt out of sync with your life? Want a game changer? It’s time to go inside. Intuitive life coaching may help you. It’s an amazing feeling to witness someone having a breakthrough in how they relate to their life. With intuitive life coaching the path to a breakthrough and returning to being […]

Intuitive Life Coaching: Listening to Your Intuition


Intuitive Life Coaching: Listening to Your Intuition


Do you feel stressed and feel like it’s hard to find motivation and inspiration?  How can you step out of the stress, boredom, and that feeling of being on autopilot to bring back your natural motivation and inspiration? The overwhelm and stress is like a mind cloud that is never going away. In the midst […]

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3 Spiritual Tools for Inspiration and Motivation in 2024

inner critic

Are you feeling stuck and not really inspired about life? What you are telling yourself matters! Most of us are not even aware of what our inner voice is telling us every day. Your inner critic may need a new job. It’s like a favorite radio station constantly on in the background that keeps the […]

4 Steps to Give Your Inner Critic a New Job!


4 Steps to Give Your Inner Critic a New Job!

love and logic

Something magical happens when our mind gets out of the way. Have you ever doubted a decision? Or felt worried you didn’t make the right choice? Many of us operate from our logic every day without even noticing.  When we start to listen to what our heart is telling us the magic happens. It’s love […]

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Love and Logic: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart!


Do you have “monkey brain”? Try journaling! What to write will come to you naturally if you commit to practice. Do you feel like your mind is full of chatter and it’s keeping you from feeling clear and focused? A great tool to help with connecting to your intuition is journaling. Journaling is a very […]

How to Start Journaling When You Don’t Know What to Write About


How to Start Journaling When You Don’t Know What to Write About

inner wisdom ulrika sullivan

Are you drawing conclusions and getting emotional about your situation real quick? Learn the secret of how you can activate your powerful inner wisdom instead of your emotions when a problem occurs. It’s much easier to use our emotions than our inner wisdom. That’s because we are so used to react to a situation in […]

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How to Activate Your Inner Wisdom Instead of Emotions

listen to your intuition

Do you want to learn why your intuition is your secret to success? Do you run a scenario over and over again in your mind? Want to stop worrying and getting exhausted? The abilities of using your intuition to never doubt a decision again is on the rise! Women often ask me “What should I […]

Your Intuition is the Secret to Never Question a Decision Again!


Your Intuition is the Secret to Never Question a Decision Again!

multidimensional living

Today we’re going to talk about multidimensional living and living happier as one with the universe. I’m very passionate about this topic and it’s part of what I write in my book; Wisdom Beyond What You Know. Why does multidimensional living matter? Simply, our soul wants to live in harmony and balance with everything. And […]

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Multidimensional Living: Happier Life As One With the Universe

spiritual dimension

This week my guest is Susan Jane. She’s the host of the podcast The Voice of Intuition. Susan has been helping others to understand intuition for over 40 years. In this episode, we talk about how to discover your spiritual dimension. (watch on YouTube) The below text is an excerpt from the interview with Susan […]

How to Discover Your Spiritual Dimension


How to Discover Your Spiritual Dimension

key to manifesting

We’re going to talk the key to manifesting manifesting today! It’s important to know the energetic difference between manifesting and pushing things into form because manifesting is a hot topic. If you’re in the beginning of your spiritual journey, it’s very easy to start focusing on manifesting where in fact there’s a lot of other […]

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Key to Manifesting: How to Get Into Energetic Alignment


We are going to talk about a very requested topic today, forgiveness. Forgiveness is something that I feel is not always in the forefront of people’s healing. It’s something that we consider getting to eventually or some day in our spiritual growth and healing. The text below is an excerpt from the interview. Donna’s passion […]

Forgiveness Is Not What You Think


Forgiveness Is Not What You Think

signs from the universe

I love discussing the topic of signs from the Universe because it brings us into the world of the unseen and messages from the universe that we have available to us every day. I encourage you to dive deeper into learning, how to read your own signs from the universe and synchronicities in your life. […]

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Signs from the Universe that You are on the Right Path

unity consciousness energy of the heart

My guest today Arianna Pienaar is an Energy Medicine Mentor. We dive into the topic of Unity Consciousness and the Energy of the Heart. Arianna helps us integrate the four aspects of Self so that we can live a full life aligned with who we are meant to become in this life. She is sharing […]

Unity Consciousness the Energy of the Heart


Unity Consciousness the Energy of the Heart

unity consciousness

Want to stretch your perspective of life? In this episode on Unity Consciousness, we expand our boundaries about life. We go beyond the logic and tap into what we came here with – ancient wisdom. Come with me on a little journey in this episode to discover how we can go from a logic way […]

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Unity Consciousness: Going from Logic to Wisdom

attracting abundance

In this episode, we’re talking about attracting abundance and aligning with the flow of nature to do so. When you say the word abundance, what’s coming up for you? You may have a perspective on abundance that may be focused on material things. Often money comes up when we talk about abundance. However, there’s an […]

Attracting Abundance: Align with the Flow of Nature


Attracting Abundance: Align with the Flow of Nature


Welcome! When we are embodying what we’ve learned to become whole it becomes how we live authentically. This is so important and we need to go deep and dive deep into it! Because we often want to learn and Learn and LEARN instead of integrating and embodying what we’ve learned. I am someone who wants […]

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Embodying What You Have Learned to Become Whole

how to listen to intuition

In this podcast episode you’ll learn more about how to listen to your intuition. You’ll get three actionable, realistic steps how you can start tapping into and listening to your own intuition. One of the things that I help others with is to expand their perspective on what’s possible for them. One of the first […]

How to Listen to Your Intuition


How to Listen to Your Intuition


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